Grants for Theatre Creators

The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival has been invited to participate as a recommender organization in The Ontario Arts Council’s Grants for Theatre Creators program.
TOsketchfest Priorities – Grants for Theatre Creators Program
The Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival is recommending comedy projects only for The Ontario Arts Council’s Grants for Theatre Creators program. Specifically, we’re recommending the development of Sketch Comedy projects from an existing sketch troupe or a collection of comedians who want to collaborate on a comedy project. The project must be related to sketch comedy (scripted short-form comedy), solo sketch, clown, musical short-form comedy, or comedic drag (improv, stand-up, or productions of theatre scripts will not be recommended). We aim to support artists and comedy projects based in Toronto, and in Eastern Ontario (with a special focus on Hastings/Prince Edward County). We encourage applications from artists who self-identify as members of OAC priority groups.
How to Apply – Grants for Theatre Creators Program
For information on The Ontario Arts Council’s Grants for Theatre Creators program, including eligibility requirements, and to find out how to apply, visit the Ontario Arts Council website.
Recommending Companies
See this page for a complete list of all recommending companies.
DEADLINE EXTENDED: 1pm ET on November 7, 2024
For information, contact Virginia Woodall –