During the annual Toronto Sketch Comedy Festival, you can fill your calendar with shows by top notch comedy talent from across North America. But don’t take our word for it. We asked some TOsketchfest favourites and die-hard fans to share what they’re most excited about seeing at TOsketchfest24. Read on. Grab a pass. Book some tix. Have some laughs.
(Looking for more reccos? Check out part two in this series.)

Cam Wyllie and Carlos know their way around TOsketchfest!
Cameron Wyllie
Check out TOsketchfest fave Cam Wyllie on March 6 and March 9 at the Theatre Centre.
There is SO MUCH to love at this year’s Toronto Sketchfest. Amanda Xeller, Lemon Pepper and Sazón and Anders Yates all have shows that I have personally seen crush in multiple cities at multiple festivals, and I can’t wait for them to show Toronto how great they are.
There’s some phenomenal emerging talent getting to showcase this year as well. I’ve seen Janelle McGuinness workshopping her show Self Made (Still in the Making) around town – it’s part cabaret, it’s part character – it’s super funny and distinctly her – I can’t wait to see what she does with a full half hour. Sam Hancock and Spencer Glassman have both been doing some knockout character work this year and should be new favourites.
Jon Blair. Isaac Kessler. Woody Fu. I could call out great talent all day long, and I will if you DM on Instagram! I’ve also heard that Cam Wyllie puts on a pretty great show, find out more by clicking here <<note to editor, add in a hyperlink to the word “here” to drive folks to my ticket page. We’re so close to selling them out and this should put us over the top>>

Stef Curran (second from the right) is all smiles with their pals in Mom’s Girls!
Stef Curran
Catch Newfoundland’s own Stef in Mom’s Girls at Comedy Bar on March 8 and March 9.
Along with the excitement of showing off our material to our Ontario audiences, we are also excited to get back to see all of the friends we met at last year’s festival.
First recommendation is, of course, the man who lives and breathes Sketch Comedy – Cam Wyllie. This is someone who consistently gets in front of crowds from across the US and Canada (and he is soon coming to NL’s first Sketch Fest), and wins over the hearts of strangers. His comedy is accessible, outrageous, and he sure knows how to commit. He loves it so much, there is no way audiences can’t!
Second recommendation: B.O.A.T.S is a must see. Mom’s Girls became very close with Nitro Girls from NYC last year (something about us both being a form of ‘Girl’), but we had the time of our life watching their show last year. It was smart, brave, and not afraid to make bold choices. We had to go on after them, and we were still quoting their lines in the dressing room backstage. B.O.A.T.S features Lanee’ Sanders of Nitro Girls, and I know this project is going to be just as fantastic.
Third recommendation would have to be Big Chick Energy. It was the first Festival show we saw last year, and it was such a great introduction to TOsketchfest. These girls are funny, witty, and you know Mom’s Girls loves an all-girl sketch group. They embody what the community is, and always made us feel welcome, even before we touched down in Toronto.”

Antony Hall of $20 Sandwhich (seated in front) has put together a list of banger shows!
Antony Hall
Antony is performing at the Festival with $20 Sandwich on March 10 and 15
It’s COMEDY CHRISTMAS. These are my picks that feature some of my favourite people and shows you won’t want to miss. I’m calling it TONYFEST.
#1 … Solo sketch by the BEST and brightest. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege to work with all the amazing women in G.L.O.S.S. Each one of these stunning performers have battled, put in the reps and deserve to be showcased! They each bring a different dynamic to solo sketch and you will be kicking yourself if you miss this Mandarin Buffet of Solo Sketch.
#2… Chaos and NYC… The double bill of West 2 West and The Foundation. This is biased selection because my very own $20 Sandwich troupe-mate Chase Jeffels is a part of West 2 West which is a unique blend of clown inspired sketch and chaotic fun. Chase is a remarkably talented, expressive and gracious performer and Kenneth is ENERGY, SWAGGER and DYNAMITE. Being paired with The Foundation who rep the UCB NY who themselves have performers with monstrous credits and experience will make for an absolute banger.
#3… The hardest working sketch troupe in Toronto and SUPERNOVAS of Toronto… The pairing of Little Funny Plays and IMPRESSED. Little Funny Plays are absolute pillars in the Toronto sketch community. They produce many many amazing shows and pump out original sketch revues like nobody I’ve ever seen. They are paired with IMPRESSED. Tom and Clare are certified viral sensations. You could be one of the people who said “I saw them at Sketchfest before they became NEXT LEVEL FAMOUS.”
#4… Out of town gems… Woody Fu and Success 5000. I saw clips of Woody on Instagram before the great creator boom happened and he is so undeniably talented and funny. Asian representation in comedy is so important to me and Woody absolutely creates culturally relatable and hilarious content through the Asian American lens. And Success 5000 are Edmonton’s finest sketch musicians. They are smart, kind and incredibly talented. Catchy tunes, hilarious lyrics and bonafide ‘Berta beauties!

Chelsea (left) knows a thing or two about sketch and has some reccos for you!
Chelsea Larkin
Catch festival favourite Chelsea Larkin in Li’l Rasgals and Friends on March 6 and March 15, and in G.L.O.S.S. on March 7 and 8.
TOsketchfest’s 2024 lineup is especially exciting for me, because it’s a combo of newer up and comer powerhouses, and veteran faves returning to the fest!
I’m pumped to see Gillian Bartolucci’s solo show, because even though she’s a sketch comedy vet, word on the street is she is doing mostly new material! Gill’s stuff is always a perfect combo of silly and poignant and satire, and of course dancin’!
Tom Hearn and Clare McConnell are comedy vets as well and Tom has been in the fest a bunch, but they’ve teamed up for a new show called IMPRESSED, which I’m so curious and excited to see! They are both hilarious and both do celeb impressions extremely well and get millions of views on the ol’ TikTok, so this show should be a wild time live!
As for newcomers, Sam Hancock’s solo show Knock Knock is top of my list! She’s on fire in the comedy community the last couple years and this is her first time in Toronto sketchfest. Sam can do anything and I’m looking forward to seeing her do it all!
I’m also looking forward to seeing Summer Dad! They debuted at the fest last year, but this past year they’ve really picked up steam and are becoming a staple in the comedy community. They had a successful award winning run at the fringe fest last summer too! They’re all so funny and gel so well and are right up my alley!
And lastly, Dave Barclay. Just …anything he does. Dave. Barclay.
Comedians’ recommendations may have been edited for length and clarity.